Monday, December 29, 2014

Iteration 121 - Partying Up

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In this episode, we rhyme our last names, wish you all a Happy New Year! Josh watches the Interview and invents some new numbers. Ryan watches the Battle of the Five Armies. We get on the bad side of Alan Moore and Christopher Tolkien. Josh makes an audiobook recording of his grandmother's short story (Constance Horne). Ryan visits the Festival of the Trees at the Empress Hotel in Victoria. For a main topic, we ask the question: how many main characters are suited to each genre: four for an RPG, one for a novel.

References and Recommendations:

Meet King Joe (1949)

Dozens Online Dozenal Forums:

Yogscast Moonquest Series:

Critical Hit Podcast:

RPG Podcasts

NPC Cast

Know Direction

Fear the Boot 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Iteration 120 - Morals and Stories

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We start the podcast by wishing everybody a happy winter! Then we talk about the same thing all the other podcasts are talking about: the Sony/North Korea troubles. And somehow Josh's criticism of Ben Affleck turns into an argument about authentic laughter in the movies. Josh reviews Highlander (1986 film). Ryan watches I Saw What You Did (1965 film), which spurs us onto our "main" topic of morals at the end of stories and movies. We range from Forrest Gump to the Three Little Pigs, teasing out morals from stories. And we end the podcast with the morals of Dungeons & Dragons and World of Warcraft.

References and Recommendations:

Wag the Dog
The Producers
I Saw What You Did

Monday, December 15, 2014

Iteration 119 - Extended Lifespan? I Can't Lose!

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We start out with a discussion about Team Fortress's new update with its trailer video.

A discussion about the use of music in film and cartoons.

Bugs Bunny the Rabbit of Seville

The Muppets Minuet in G Major

Flash Gordon by Queen


For our main topic, we talk about those scenarios in which there aren't bad choices, but only rewards no matter which decision you make.

And at the end of the podcast, an exercise for the listener: if reincarnation was real, who or what would you like to come back as?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Iteration 118 - Best-Laid Schemes

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We talk about the Thetis Lake Monster, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Ningen of the Southern Ocean. Then, space travel, and aliens, and bird calls, and SETI.

The word of the day is "Gaser". Stands for Gravity Laser.

Who is the Moon Villain anyways?

Main Topic: About the futility of planning ahead. Or is it the unutterable joy of dreaming up details of things that might be?

References and Recommendations:

Interactivity Board Game Cafe

Josh and Ryan play and modify Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress.

Nobody expects the zombie apocalypse!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Iteration 117 - Running Away

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In this iteration of the Simulationist Podcast, we talk about playing and modding our favourite games, Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft. Speaking of Dwarf Fortress, Josh relates some of his first experiences with that game. Ryan mods in the ninjen into Dwarf Fortress. And then we talk about running away, and when to do it, and how our games discourage it, and why.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Iteration 116 - Finding One's Courage

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In this iteration of the podcast:
We start this week's conversation off with knife dancing. Ryan creates the most Canadian Dwarf Fortress mods ever. Josh makes a move to become the richest person on his Minecraft server. And for our main topic, we talk about courage, the kind possessed by lions, and other kinds.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Iteration 115 - What Your Country Can Do for You

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In this iteration of the Simulationist Podcast: 
Josh and Ryan give their imaginative take on Changes the Clown and the Victoria local mayoral elections! Then we recount our adventures in simulated worlds, from Minecraft to Dwarf Fortress, to our adventures in coding our own stuff. We pitch the idea of Mars Bus.

And for our main topic of discussion:
What of democracy in your D&D worlds? Can we determine what alignment voting would fall under, in the D&D alignment system?

Monday, November 10, 2014

Iteration 114 - In the Service of the Empire

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We are joined this week by Ryan's brother Jason Kirkby. We begin by marvelling at some players' ability to be stubborn and grind away for hours at repetitive tasks in video games, something you just can't do in a face to face game. If Superman's eyes ever degenerated, could he perform laser surgery on himself? Ryan makes a monster out of tears to add to Dwarf Fortress. We talk about looking forward to Blizzard's new game: Overwatch. Our main topic: on working for governments and big organizations in your role-playing game.

References and Recommendations:

James Cameron song:

Monday, November 3, 2014

Iteration 113 - Mind Swapping

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This week on the Simulationist Podcast, we talk about swapping brains! 

We start off the discussion with some talk about the Age of Ultron trailer, and future Marvel movie releases. Josh watches Noah and why it's a science fiction movie. Then we get into our main topic, which is about mind switching and why it's done as a story trope, and the science of it, and if it could ever happen in real life. Also, National Novel Writing Month kicks off!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Iteration 112 - On Ghosts and the Other Side

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Josh is on Twitter: @Spaceboot1 and YouTube: SpacebootOne

Also find this show on YouTube: The Simulationist

And find the show on iTunes here: iTunes.

In this iteration of the podcast: As another part of our month of the dead, we talk about ghosts, not so much as monsters, but as characters. Josh and Ryan talk about their weekly adventures in gaming, mostly Minecraft and Marvel: Avengers Alliance. As a jumping off point for our main topic, we watched the film ParaNorman. We discuss the mechanisms of ghostly return and hauntings. Also recommended: the Book of Life (2014 film).

Monday, October 20, 2014

Iteration 111 - The Clown Iteration

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In this episode: looking forward to Halloween and National Novel Writing Month. Debate topics: do Halloween costumes have to be scary? How should we do NanoWriMo? Does a great actor need to have terrible life experiences in order to be truly great at acting? The death of Wolverine! Whatever will Disney do? Ryan has a few ideas. We talk about superhero television and films. Who's winning: Marvel or DC? And for our main topic: clowns. Are they inherently scary or evil, or do evil beings choose clown forms because of their perceived innocence?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Iteration 109 - The Don't Care Bears

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In this episode:
Josh talks about Terra Firma Craft and some other Minecraft mods. Ryan brings us his disappointing adventures in Care-a-lot, and how we would have made it better. We get all philosophical on what it really means to "care". And do the Care Bears provide answers that are just too easy? Are all our games and stories too easy? Can we make them more harder, more ambiguous, and more realistic? Do we really want realistic endings and solutions to fictional problems, or do we look to fiction to imagine a world that has solutions so we can actualize ourselves? And we uncover the Shame Bears in Ryan's brain.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Iteration 108 - The Dungeon within the Dungeon

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We open this week's conversation with ancient gang signs, for some reason? Ryan then muses about cosmetic options within games. We discuss Penny's new hair on the Big Bang Theory, as an example of a cosmetic change, and we debate whether it should affect her statistics as a role-playing character. And for our main topic, inspired by the trailer for The Maze Runner, we discuss games within games, or blood sports, or the gladiatorial dungeon. And as always, we debate dungeons, traps, dungeon mastery, and elf ears!

References and Recommendations:
The Maze Runner
Big Hero Six

Monday, September 22, 2014

Iteration 107 - Does Whatever a Spider-Man Can

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In this iteration:
Josh and Ryan talk about cake-baking experiments on a trip to Saturn. Josh recounts some highlights from his adventures playing the Sims. HP Lovecraft's Music of Zann: . The Shows we didn't watch: Ryan discusses skipping the latest Spider-Man movie, in exchange for some Cartoon Network shows like American Dad and Robot Chicken. We talk about what makes the essence of a character, from Spider-Man to Daffy Duck to Captain America. Ryan recounts The Black Cat film from 1934 , and Daffy Duck. And Finally: Mind Flayer Sherlock Holmes.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Iteration 106 - The Circle of Antagony

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A short discussion about the new D&D Monster Manual, the Paladin's warhorse, and teamwork and team-helping abilities in role-playing games. The Sims-ulationist! Josh played an hour of the Sims 4, and reports back in this podcast. And Josh goes to Interactivity again. Ryan plays around with Tri-Stat stats for Bender and Robo-Cop

Ryan discovers a monster he's been working on turns out to be an internet fetish. Sparkling mummies. What is closer to the wellspring of life? Josh says bacteria. Ryan says wolves. Ryan delves the bottom of the ocean for ideas for Cthulhoid monstrosities. If Cabin in the Woods were a board game or a role-playing game, which characters/monsters are player characters? .

So we have protagonists and antagonists, what about retagonists? Josh and Ryan tangentially touch on Eastern religion. We think prequels need to start using negative numbers, like Order of the Stick . Playing as monsters. Non-standard goals for players--what if the players just want their characters to get drunk and have as much fun as possible? .

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Iteration 105 - The Dimensional Flaw

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In this iteration of the Simulationist Podcast:
We discuss the latest Death of Wolverine. We recommend the Acquisitions Incorporated Dungeons & Dragons Campaign Ryan invents Platonic Oubliettes for Multi-Dimensional Beings, kind of like the ghost trap from Ghostbusters. Platonic Solids: And for our main topic, we discuss flaws for heroes, and flaws in real life. Josh and Ryan argue about Superman's decision to not adopt a super child. And we ask whether you would kill Hitler if you woke up in a jail cell next to him.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Iteration 104 - Role-Play All the Things!

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It's a very special Labour Day show! (In which we do the same thing we do every show: talk about 1990s comic books and video games for longer than our allotted time). In this episode, we talk Waterworld, the Victoria Fringe Festival, and the Justice League: War movie! Ryan discovers @Fanfiction_txt's twitter account! Discussion Topic: Role-play All the Things! Josh and Ryan talk about infiltrating all games with the role-playing spirit.

Question for mandatory listener engagement: who is dumber, the Tick or Homer Simpson?

References and Recommendations:


Justice League: War (2014 video)

Jamaica (Pirate Ship Race Board Game)

Monday, August 25, 2014

Iteration 103 - Milking Cows at Superspeed

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In this iteration of the podcast: Josh and Ryan scheme to create a Simulationist currency! Ryan laments the loss of another online game: Marvel Tactics. Which superhero would make a better Jesus:

Batman or Superman? We get into a weird discussion about whether Superman enjoys being a superhero, and if it's okay for him to enjoy it. 


The One (2001 film) End Scene:

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal on Superman:

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Iteration 102 - We Watch Guardians of the Galaxy

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In this iteration of the Simulationist Podcast, Josh and Ryan give their own totally unique take on the movie of the summer: Guardians of the Galaxy. But before all of that, Josh and Ryan recount the week's adventures in video games and roleplaying games (mostly Minecraft). Ryan re-creates Inspector Gadget in the Tri-Stat system, sparking a nerdly discussion on what exactly the limits of Gadget's powers are. Then we discuss neuroplasticity and the Vulcans from Star Trek, and the interaction between culture and biological evolution of brains and behaviour.

Feedback-generating question: imagine you find an infinity gem from Guardians of the Galaxy, and assuming you know for sure what it is, but you don't know any Marvel characters or how to contact them, do you turn it over to your government? If not, what do you do with it?

References and Recommendations:

Guardians of the Galaxy, of course:

A build that Josh made in Minecraft:

Tri-Stat Roleplaying System:

Steven Pinker The Better Angels of Our Nature

Cutie Honey (2004 Japanese film)

Monday, August 11, 2014

Iteration 101 - On Location at Interactivity with Dave Morris

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In the first segment of the show, Josh and Dave discuss such board games as Machu Pichu, sacrificing llamas to the gods, Glass Roads with it's funky clock, Terra Mystica and all its complications, Arkham Horror and its way of giving cooperative characters slightly askew motivations, Puerto Rico, Pandemic and how to keep everyone involved, and Settlers of Catan! We talk a bit about designing our own games, and how board games are like improv.

In the second segment of this week's podcast, Ryan catches up to Josh to discuss Minecraft, Dungeons & Dragons, Magic the Gathering, Monopoly, Mancala, Chutes and Ladders, and cool new ideas to add on and make them crazy complicated!

References and Recommendations:

Moulin Rouge Roxanne

Paper Street Theatre
Dave Morris

Monday, August 4, 2014

Iteration 100 - The Poor Security of Vampires

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Josh and Ryan talk about how they missed Comic Con and wished they could have gone, and their business plan for selling body spray at gaming conventions. Then, Ryan discusses how his thoughts on security were sparked by the incompetence of the vampire in Son of Dracula. And we move on to discussions of security in Dungeons & Dragons, whether it be the players' own castles, or the dungeons they infiltrate. And then we inevitably move on to discuss what World War II would have been like with vampires in it. And then we somehow end up on Star Wars. Then we invent the Wormwood Vampire toward the end, so stay tuned for that one, because it's pretty cool.

Dwarf Fortress Forums

And Justice for All (1979 movie)

Son of Dracula (1943 movie)

The Giant Who Had No Heart in His Body

Monday, July 28, 2014

Iteration 099 - One Less Character, One More Character

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In this iteration of the Simulationist Podcast, we discuss the implications of a lost or dead character in a role-playing game, with regard to that character's role as a team member. And we talk about replacement characters, and adjusting to a new status quo.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Iteration 098 - The Subway Conspiracy

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Josh and Ryan discuss a conspiracy theory at Subway Restaurants; then more about the newest edition of Dungeons & Dragons, plus their latest adventures in Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress, and World of Warcraft. Then tangents on Bill Nye the Science Guy and the politics of funding for NASA and education. Then for our main topic, we discuss non-hit-point methods of defeating your enemies in the game of D&D.

References and Recommendations:

Major Spoilers Podcast

NPC Cast

Weird Al "Foil"

Skyhaven Games

Monday, July 14, 2014

Iteration 097 - Multitudinous Edifices of Atlantis

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In this iteration:
Josh and Ryan talk about their adventures in video games and other games, from adventures in Minecraft to readings of Dungeons & Dragons to watching the Creature From the Black Lagoon. Inspired by the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Josh and Ryan imagine a fantastic Atlantean world.

The Creature from the Black Lagoon

Monday, July 7, 2014

Iteration 096 - When Death Isn't Permanent

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When Death Isn't Permanent

Josh and Ryan talk about D&D Fifth Edition, plus an assortment of topics, including souls, art, games, and immortality. Josh creates a Mario Clone army, and then invents Cheerirunes (runic alphabits). And for our main topic of discussion, what would happen if death wasn't permanent? We examine this question in fantasy, science fiction, and the world of modern fiction. 

References and Recommendations:

The Nameless City by HP Lovecraft

Tiny Realms

The Long Dark

Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

Death Takes a Holiday

Monday, June 30, 2014

Iteration 095 - The Littlest Nomads

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The Littlest Nomads

Josh and Ryan talk about all the simulations they've been running this week: Josh prepares for some in-public D&D, Ryan plays Marvel Online, Josh writes himself a sitcom, Ryan notices a coincidence with the Tagalog word for onions and Ghostbusters lore, Mutants, mixing and matching genetic mutations for awesome comic book and video game characters. And once all the tangents are out of the way, for our main topic, we discuss how a nomadic lifestyle applies to the world of Dungeons & Dragons.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Iteration 094 - Analysis Exuberance

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In this iteration:
Josh recommends some of his favourite D&D-related podcasts: Harmontown, an adult podcast about friends and D&D; Critical Hit, a podcast by some guys from Major Spoilers comic book review site; NPCCast, another podcast about table-top and face-to-face games; Brian Posein's Nerd Poker, an actual play D&D podcast featuring comedian Brian Posein; 3.5 Private Sanctuary, a long-time staple of Josh's D&D podcast playlist; Fear the Boot, another established role-playing podcast; Crimson Mystical Mages, Kevin Smith's short-lived attempt at a D&D podcast; Critical Hit, a live D&D show at the Rio in Vancouver BC.

Josh plays the Mine part of Minecraft. Ryan plays Marvel Alliance Tactics. Josh and Ryan discuss the importance of writing things down and keeping statistics of stuff we all encounter as players in games. Ryan talks about how he contributes to the wikis of the games he plays, and how that's a major part of the fun of the game for him. Josh and Ryan talk about winning at video games by reading and analyzing the mechanics from outside the game. Josh and Ryan go on a tangent about the ninja turtles' various weapons, and Josh mentions the bec de corbin. And the ninja turtles take on feral robot zombie deer.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Iteration 093 - Utopia: the Incursioning

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in this iteration: 
Casey Kasem dies
Father's Day
Free RPG Day
D&D Next
Marvel Avengers Alliance

On Utopia in the Game World: different views on societies and ideal organizations of societies in a fictional world.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Iteration 092 - Exiled and Endungèd

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This week's discussion topic: exile and banishment. What do you do with a bad guy that you just can't kill? And what if your hero can't return to his home? And who is that mysterious man in the iron mask that the PCs found in the dungeon?

Free RPG Day is coming up this month (on the 23rd of June, 2014), Josh and Ryan discuss their adventures in Mining and Crafting, and a bit of discussion of game design, including Dwarf Fortress.

Ryan illuminates last week's topic with an Evil Cat from The Shadow of the Cat: and relates some of his adventures in Marvel Avengers Alliance .

Monday, June 2, 2014

Iteration 091 - Statless, Unquantified, and Narrative Curses

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In this episode, Ryan expounds on the idea of the statless curse, that ineffable essence of something just being wrong, whether it's the dwarven gold, or the too-easy dungeon maze. There just has to be a curse here somewhere, doesn't there?

Monday, May 19, 2014

Iteration 089 - Arcane Trains and Divinely Morphic Planes

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In this iteration of the Simulationist Podcast:

Free RPG Day

What would Minecraft be like with smellovision?

8-minute empire

A small debate about blank turns.

Josh's and Ryan's adventures in Minecraft

Josh invites Simulationist fan fiction in which the characters hunt him down and kill him.

Schismo-tech: Ryan asks the question: what if arcane magic was the core driver of a technological revolution?

Monday, May 12, 2014

Iteration 088 - Unfinished Worlds

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In this iteration, as always, Josh and Ryan relate their adventures in simulations, from their favourite video game, Minecraft, to the horror movies of the week, and then it's on to a D&D topic: using Ravenloft as an example, what should be done about all those underdeveloped areas of the campaign world?

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Monday, May 5, 2014

Iteration 087 - A Game of Lofts and a Feast for Ravens

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Discussion Topic: Are human opponents necessary?

References and Recommendations:

We discuss: Sponge Bob, Ren and Stimpy, Free Comic Book Day, Minecraft, Gothic Fiction, and Ravenloft

It Came from Outer Space

Monday, April 28, 2014

Iteration 086 - The Trappings of Mad Science

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In this iteration of the Simulationist Podcast: Josh and Ryan discuss their recent adventures in Minecraft, Josh visits the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, and we discuss the trappings of Mad Science.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Iteration 085 - We Are the Wishers of Wishes

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Discussion Topic: Wishes and Genies

Argument of the Week: Can a Beholder disintegrate a hole to the centre of the earth?

References and Recommendations:

Evil Overlord List:

Hot Fuzz:

Follow Josh on Twitter! @Spaceboot1

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Iteration 084 - Spelleton

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In this week's iteration of the Simulationist Podcast:
Josh and Ryan talk about Minecraft and Dungeons & Dragons. How we think aliens would react to Lego? And a discussion about infinite game elements for your table-top RPG.

Tiny Realms Game Trailer:

Kobold Guide to Magic:

Monday, April 7, 2014

Iteration 083 - Evolving Between Genres

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Main Discussion Topic: Sometimes works of simulation get classified in a different genre based on the era we're looking at them from. Jules Verne's stories look like a species of fantasy to us today, but they looked a lot more scientific to the people of Verne's day. But what if we didn't just want to blur genres? What if a work or a series of works just decides to switch genre somewhere in the middle? That is, you're reading a science fiction story, and then somewhere in the middle, it changes to a fantasy. Or vice versa. Also, what's scarier than Frankenstein's monster? Frankenstein's mother-in-law, of course!

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Monday, March 31, 2014

Iteration 082 - Fakeumentary and Machinical Magicery

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We invent the terms podcastahedron and agentific. Josh finally watches The Desolation of Smaug.
Somehow we end up talking about the next Star Wars movies. Ryan and Josh discuss their creative
projects. Ryan reports on History Channel's Cryptid the Swamp Beast, and asks why it's a
fakumentary instead of a traditional drama. Then, machines versus magic, magic versus technology.

We're on iTunes:

Josh is on Twitter:

References and Recommendations from this iteration:

NPC Cast:

The Desolation of Smaug:

Cryptid the Swamp Beast:

Girl Genius:

The Venture Bros.:

Ghost in the Shell:

Monday, March 24, 2014

Iteration 081 - Disconnected Dots

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In this iteration, Josh Treleaven and Ryan Kirkby talk about the new D&D episode of Community, and a bit about Josh's game design work, some conspiracies, and the Cthulhu Mythos. And for our main topic, we discuss the absurd and seemingly random elements of fiction, such as the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Batman. We tease out the essential difference between the Joker and the Riddler.

References and Recommendations from this iteration:


For updates on Josh's Hexlands game, follow Josh on Twitter @Spaceboot1

Find this show on iTunes

Murders in the Rue Morgue

Marvel: Avengers Alliance

DB Cooper:

Douglas Adams:


Prison Architect:

One popular example of the digits of Pi set to music:

Monday, March 17, 2014

Iteration 080 - Zombie Sasquatch, or Sasquatch Zombies?

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In this iteration, Josh and Ryan talk about world events and how they relate to storytelling and gameplay. Josh leaks more hints about the Collectable Trading Card Game he's working on. Ryan plays Marvel Avengers Alliance and discusses his frustration at random drops. Ryan demands alternative weird storylines from his X-Com games, expanding into ghosts, zombies, and zombie sasquatch. And Ryan asks how you can make your readers and players care more about their characters.

Discussion Topic: Playing as a squad in a game, as opposed to the singular hero, or the massive army. In particular, how does a player manage to care about each individual member of a squad?

Find the Simulationist Podcast on iTunes:

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References and Recommendations:

Dave Morris:

Marvel: Avengers Alliance

Tri-Stat Universal Game System:


Monday, January 27, 2014

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Iteration 072 - Fungal Jungle at the Centre of the Earth

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This week's discussion topic: The Underdark, and the creatures who live in it, and why aren't mole people more prominent in D&D?

References and Recommendations:

Knights of the Dinner Table Live Action Kickstarter

GottaCon Victoria's Gaming Convention

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Iteration 071 - Called Shot up the Nose

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Monday, January 6, 2014