Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Iteration 211 - Cracking Cleverness

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In this iteration, Josh and Ryan concoct a plan to become more clever, and we learn how to make a hero look clever, as opposed to being really truly smart. But first, we talk about Halloween impending, and we compare Red Riding Hood with Goldilocks. Josh talks about people-watching, and how it might help one's writing. Then Josh plays Dwarf Fortress, Pandemic, and Dungeons & Dragons. Ryan plays The Secret World, and watches Disney's Cinderella and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and comes to an interesting strategy for Dorian Grey to beat his condition.

References and Recommendations:

Join us at Roll for Initiative once every month!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Iteration 210 - Flavourloft Part Two

The direct download link for this episode is here:

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In this iteration, Josh plays Dwarf Fortress and watches the Revenant and compares the two. Ryan and Zoey report on watching another Disney classic, this time Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. And we get into another argument, this time about whether the Smurfs are derivative of the Seven Dwarfs. Our main topic this week is a continuation from a couple of iterations ago, about evoking a moody atmosphere for a Ravenloft campaign.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Iteration 209 - How Many Planets are You?

the direct download link for this episode is here:

and also there's a more stable version here:

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In this iteration: Ryan laments the shutting down of another one of his online passtimes: Avengers Alliance. Then we get into a long discussion about the planet that was found orbiting Proxima Centauri. With several tangents on Pluto's planetary status, the nature of science, astronomy versus biology, and nerds arguing. Then we get into artificial intelligence. We get into some armchair philosophizing about how society, culture, creativity, and ethics emerge from multiple intelligences. Finally, we are joined by Ryan's daughter Zoey for a review of Disney's Robin Hood animated film. And Ryan talks a bit about the musical style and accents of the film being non-British.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Iteration 208 - Flavourloft

the direct download link for this episode is here:

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We open this week's iteration with a tale of the largest pearl ever discovered in all of history. Then we talk a bit more about Stranger Things having a second season. Then we argue over what makes a movie a B Movie. We talk a bit about our adventures in Dwarf Fortress. And Ryan delves into the literature of the world of Ravenloft, and explains further why he thinks Ravenloft calls to him as a setting. And our main topic is actually a bunch of little tips and tricks to improve storytelling, inspired by Ryan's readings in Ravenloft.

References and Recommendations:

Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959 film):