Monday, October 27, 2014

Iteration 112 - On Ghosts and the Other Side

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Also find this show on YouTube: The Simulationist

And find the show on iTunes here: iTunes.

In this iteration of the podcast: As another part of our month of the dead, we talk about ghosts, not so much as monsters, but as characters. Josh and Ryan talk about their weekly adventures in gaming, mostly Minecraft and Marvel: Avengers Alliance. As a jumping off point for our main topic, we watched the film ParaNorman. We discuss the mechanisms of ghostly return and hauntings. Also recommended: the Book of Life (2014 film).

Monday, October 20, 2014

Iteration 111 - The Clown Iteration

The direct download link for this episode is here:

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In this episode: looking forward to Halloween and National Novel Writing Month. Debate topics: do Halloween costumes have to be scary? How should we do NanoWriMo? Does a great actor need to have terrible life experiences in order to be truly great at acting? The death of Wolverine! Whatever will Disney do? Ryan has a few ideas. We talk about superhero television and films. Who's winning: Marvel or DC? And for our main topic: clowns. Are they inherently scary or evil, or do evil beings choose clown forms because of their perceived innocence?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Iteration 109 - The Don't Care Bears

the direct download link for this episode is here:

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In this episode:
Josh talks about Terra Firma Craft and some other Minecraft mods. Ryan brings us his disappointing adventures in Care-a-lot, and how we would have made it better. We get all philosophical on what it really means to "care". And do the Care Bears provide answers that are just too easy? Are all our games and stories too easy? Can we make them more harder, more ambiguous, and more realistic? Do we really want realistic endings and solutions to fictional problems, or do we look to fiction to imagine a world that has solutions so we can actualize ourselves? And we uncover the Shame Bears in Ryan's brain.