Monday, August 25, 2014
Iteration 103 - Milking Cows at Superspeed
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In this iteration of the podcast: Josh and Ryan scheme to create a Simulationist currency! Ryan laments the loss of another online game: Marvel Tactics. Which superhero would make a better Jesus:
Batman or Superman? We get into a weird discussion about whether Superman enjoys being a superhero, and if it's okay for him to enjoy it.
The One (2001 film) End Scene:
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal on Superman:
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Iteration 102 - We Watch Guardians of the Galaxy
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In this iteration of the Simulationist Podcast, Josh and Ryan give their own totally unique take on the movie of the summer: Guardians of the Galaxy. But before all of that, Josh and Ryan recount the week's adventures in video games and roleplaying games (mostly Minecraft). Ryan re-creates Inspector Gadget in the Tri-Stat system, sparking a nerdly discussion on what exactly the limits of Gadget's powers are. Then we discuss neuroplasticity and the Vulcans from Star Trek, and the interaction between culture and biological evolution of brains and behaviour.
Feedback-generating question: imagine you find an infinity gem from Guardians of the Galaxy, and assuming you know for sure what it is, but you don't know any Marvel characters or how to contact them, do you turn it over to your government? If not, what do you do with it?
References and Recommendations:
Guardians of the Galaxy, of course:
A build that Josh made in Minecraft:
Tri-Stat Roleplaying System:
Steven Pinker The Better Angels of Our Nature
Cutie Honey (2004 Japanese film)
Monday, August 11, 2014
Iteration 101 - On Location at Interactivity with Dave Morris
The direct download link for this episode is here:
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Follow Josh on Twitter @Spaceboot1
In the first segment of the show, Josh and Dave discuss such board games as Machu Pichu, sacrificing llamas to the gods, Glass Roads with it's funky clock, Terra Mystica and all its complications, Arkham Horror and its way of giving cooperative characters slightly askew motivations, Puerto Rico, Pandemic and how to keep everyone involved, and Settlers of Catan! We talk a bit about designing our own games, and how board games are like improv.
In the second segment of this week's podcast, Ryan catches up to Josh to discuss Minecraft, Dungeons & Dragons, Magic the Gathering, Monopoly, Mancala, Chutes and Ladders, and cool new ideas to add on and make them crazy complicated!
References and Recommendations:
Moulin Rouge Roxanne
Paper Street Theatre
Dave Morris
Monday, August 4, 2014
Iteration 100 - The Poor Security of Vampires
The direct download link for this episode is here:
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Josh and Ryan talk about how they missed Comic Con and wished they could have gone, and their business plan for selling body spray at gaming conventions. Then, Ryan discusses how his thoughts on security were sparked by the incompetence of the vampire in Son of Dracula. And we move on to discussions of security in Dungeons & Dragons, whether it be the players' own castles, or the dungeons they infiltrate. And then we inevitably move on to discuss what World War II would have been like with vampires in it. And then we somehow end up on Star Wars. Then we invent the Wormwood Vampire toward the end, so stay tuned for that one, because it's pretty cool.
Dwarf Fortress Forums
And Justice for All (1979 movie)
Son of Dracula (1943 movie)
The Giant Who Had No Heart in His Body
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